KathyBou’s Blog

A sampling of things that are going on and around.

Archive for May 4th, 2008

Traveling (Weee!)

with 2 comments

So we’re taking two weeks off, and we are going to play like we are N. American tourists… which we are, but we’re doing the tour that people get on planes across the Atlantic to do – the 6 countries in 12 days styled tour.  No self-respecting European would try to see this many places in this amount of time (and it’s unheard of to go on vacations of less than 3 weeks here anyway).  So yeah, I’m packing my jeans and my Nikes too.  The horrors.

So this is the rough itinerary, (graphically because pictures are more fun!):

Written by Kat

May 4, 2008 at 7:54 am

Posted in Uncategorized