KathyBou’s Blog

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The Happiest Baby on the Block: DVD Review

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The Happiest Baby on the Block, by Dr. Steven Karp

We  watched The Happiest Baby on the Block over the weekend.  Not sure now where I’d first heard about this book or DVD, both with the same name, but it worked out really great to get it in video form so we could watch it together.

Just over an hour long, the main points of the video are techniques on how to sooth a baby, especially a fussy baby, in the first 3 months of life, which the author calls the 4th trimester.  These small maneuvers trigger the baby’s inherent “calming reflex”, and he made it look easy and mostly natural.  Some parents probably already know these things, or have figured them out on their own, but for us it was really valuable information.

I was surprised at how tight a proper swaddle needs to be, and also, that when one Shh’s a baby, the “SSHHH”  needs to be at least as loud as the baby is crying, which can be pretty loud.

Again the DVD format is great because besides being able to watch it together, it allowed us to see the  multiple soothing techniques, and visually watching them used together made it all very clear.  Even if we don’t have too many baby meltdowns, it’s comforting to know we have some tricks in mind if we need them. A definite recommendation to other new or soon-to-be parents.

Written by Kat

August 16, 2009 at 5:57 pm

Posted in bebe baby, Books, family, newborn

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